I am an Assistant Professor (tenure track) at Department of Finance at Aalto University School of Business. My research focuses on Behavioral and Experimental Finance. Applying the tools of Experimental Economics, I work on topics relating to financial markets, such as market efficiency and bubbles, decision-making under uncertainty, and (un)ethical behavior, as well as on topics of replicability, credibility, and transparency in research.
Assistant Professor, Aalto University School of Business
Research Associate,
Economic Science Laboratory, University of Arizona
Code & Data Associate Editor, Management Science
Affiliated Researcher, Lab2 (Incubator for Collaborative and Transparent Economic Sciences)
[2024-12] | New working paper out on SSRN: Do experimental asset market results replicate? High-powered preregistered replications of 17 claims (preprint, with Felix Holzmeister, Magnus Johannesson, Christian König-Kersting, Anna Dreber, Jürgen Huber, and Michael Kirchler) |
[2024-10] | Our meta-analysis and review of 50 studies on financial professionals as experimental particpants has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Banking & Finance: Experimenting with Financial Professionals (preprint; with Christian König-Kersting and Matteo M. Marini) |
[2024-02] | I will join the Department of Finance at Aalto University School of Business as a tenure track Assistant Professor in August 2024! |
[2024-01] | Our study on Reproducibility in Management Science (with M. Fišar, B. Greiner, E. Katok, A. Ozkes, and more than 700 reproducibility reviewers) has been accepted for publication in Management Science and is featured in the LSE Impact Blog! |
[2023-05] | The #ManyDesigns metastudy has just been published in PNAS: Competition and moral behavior: A meta-analysis of forty-five crowd-sourced experimental designs! With collaborators from 70+ institutions in 18 different countries we find a small adverse effect of competition on moral behavior and identify substantial 'design heterogeneity'. |
[2022-10] | Our paper Heterogeneity of Beliefs and Trading Behavior: A Reexamination (with Sascha Füllbrunn, Catherine Eckel, and Utz Weitzel) has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis! |
[2022-08] | Experimental Finance is on the rise! Our new survey of experiments in finance (Experiments in finance: A survey of historical trends, with Michael Kirchler, forthcoming in Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance) shows that the number of papers using experiments in top finance journals – as well as the number of experimental finance studies in top economics journals – has been increasing substantially over the last two decades. |
[2022-06] | Our preprint Cooperation among an anonymous group protected Bitcoin during failures of decentralization (with A. Blackburn, Y. Eliaz, M.S. Shamim, D. Weisz, G. Seshadri, K. Kim, S. Hang, E. Lieberman Aiden) is now out on arXiv – it also featured in the New York Times, Coindesk, and ORF. |
[2021-08] | Our paper Market shocks and professionals' investment behavior — Evidence from the COVID-19 crash Our paper Market shocks and professionals' investment behavior — Evidence from the COVID-19 crash (with Jürgen Huber and Michael Kirchler) has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Banking & Finance! |
[2021-05] | New Project: Join us in #ManyDesigns and be part of this crowd-sourced project addressing the heterogeneity in experimental designs and how competition affects moral behavior! |
[2021-03] | I will join the Institute for Markets and Strategy at WU Vienna University of Economics and Business as a Postdoctoral Researcher in September 2021. |